Product Design

At Trideq, we acknowledge that product design is the key to product success. Our product design team is highly experienced in delivering timely designs of functionally and aesthetically appealing products with inherent quality, low-cost, and ease of development. Our proven product development process ensures the ability to quickly create products to meet changing dynamic market conditions.

Trideq deploys an integrated product design and development strategy to insure proper  consideration of all design needs and requirements. This strategy makes sure that all aspects of the design, including market analysis, process planning and all other project management activities (such as cost, schedule and resource planning etc.,) be performed concurrently as an integrated part of product design process. [Request full product  design process document.]

Triqeq makes sure that our product design team seamlessly interacts with your management and marketing teams and serves as a virtual extension of your enterprise. Trideq staff includes highly experienced PMI certified project management professionals to handle all aspects of product design and development activities. Our product design and development strategies are developed by emerging CMMI and Six Sigma practices.

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