Outsourcing Blueprint


Outsourcing to Trideq is no different from sourcing within your enterprise. Trideq acts as a virtual extension for your team allowing your enterprise directly control project management and personnel deployed on to the project. 

Trideq's state-of-the-art communication and infrastructure enables the enterprises to access our highly secure VPN and virtually work with our offshore team.

At Trideq, your success is our success. So, we make sure that we have a mutually agreeable sourcing strategy that is determined by the following criteria:-

  • Why you are outsourcing and what you are outsourcing.

  • How internal and external teams communicate and what dependencies they have .

  • The value you are expecting from the outsourcing deal.

  • Well defined targeted service level and successful criteria.

At Trideq, we value our client relationships and focus on establishing long-lasting win-win relationships.

Trideq provides an Outsourcing Blueprint customized for your project. The Outsourcing Blueprint includes among others, assessment of outsourceable components, ranking the tasks in terms of their outsourceability as most favorable, moderately favorable and most complex, and expected savings from outsourcing.

For more information on outsourcing management process, intellectual property, IP security and protection policies, and product development process, please contact us.

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